Plum Jelly  Useful Knowledge


Hey there! I’m Jamie, and I love sharing my passion for homemade recipes, especially when it comes to making delicious plum jelly. In this post, I’ll walk you through the process of making your very own plum jelly from scratch, canning it, and ensuring it turns out perfectly. So, let’s dive right in!

Key Points

Gathering Ingredients and Supplies

To start making your plum jelly, you’ll need two pounds of plums, Sure Gel, sugar, and water. Additionally, make sure to have mason jars, a ladle, a canning funnel, a lid lifter, bands, and lids ready for the canning process.

Preparing the Plums

Pitting the plums is a simple process of removing the pits with a knife. Once pitted, the plums are boiled down with water to extract the juice needed for the jelly.

Extracting the Plum Juice

After simmering the plums, strain the mixture through cheesecloth to extract the juice. Ensure you have at least five and a half cups of juice for the recipe.

Making the Plum Jelly

Combine the plum juice with Sure Gel, bring it to a full rolling boil, and add sugar. Boil the mixture for one minute, then proceed to can the jelly using the open kettle canning method.

Canning the Plum Jelly

Quickly transfer the hot jelly into hot jars, wipe the rims clean, seal the jars, and turn them upside down for five minutes to ensure a proper seal. Allow the jars to cool and check for seals the next day.

Related Questions

1. How can you tell if the plum jelly jars are properly sealed?
– You can test the seals by pressing the lids; if they don’t pop back up, they are sealed.

2. What is the purpose of turning the jars upside down during the canning process?
– Turning the jars upside down helps destroy any possible contamination on the lids and aids in creating a better seal.

3. Can you use water bath canning instead of the open kettle canning method?
– Yes, you can opt for water bath canning if you prefer, but the open kettle method is demonstrated in this recipe.

4. How long should the plum mixture boil after adding the sugar?
– The plum mixture should be brought to a full rolling boil after adding the sugar and boiled for one minute.

5. How long should you wait before checking the seals on the plum jelly jars?
– It is recommended to check the seals on the jars the next morning, but you may hear them “Ping” and seal within 30 minutes of canning.

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