My Favorite  LEAST FAVORITE Lenses  2021


Today, we’re diving into the world of lenses, discussing my favorite and least favorite picks. This will be a casual chat about the lenses I gravitate towards the most and the ones that don’t quite make the cut. Let’s explore how each lens plays a role in my photography adventures.

Favorite Lenses

Let’s start with my current favorite, the 35mm f/1.4 G Master lens. This lens has quickly become a go-to for me, offering a beautiful perspective that closely resembles what the eye sees. The wide aperture creates stunning depth of field and bokeh, making it ideal for portraits and video work. Its versatility in capturing spaces while maintaining a sense of depth makes it a standout lens in my collection.

Moving on to the 85mm G Master f/1.4 lens, this one excels in capturing intricate details in both photos and videos. Whether it’s shooting nature or products in the studio, the 85mm lens shines in delivering sharp and detailed images. Its compact size makes it a convenient travel companion, offering a balance between wide and tight shots for varied creative possibilities.

Now, let’s talk about the powerhouse, the 100-400mm lens. While not an everyday lens, its telephoto capabilities make it a must-have for capturing distant subjects with clarity. From mountain landscapes to wildlife, this lens compresses scenes into captivating flat images, perfect for creating artistic compositions. Its unmatched reach and quality make it a staple in my travel gear.

Least Favorite Lenses

On the flip side, let’s discuss the lenses that didn’t quite meet my expectations. Starting with the 70-200mm lens, while popular for its versatility, I found it lacking in capturing the level of detail I desired, especially for wildlife photography. Its limitations in reaching far-off subjects led me to favor the 100-400mm lens for my needs.

Next up, the 50mm f/1.4 lens, a once beloved choice that has taken a back seat in my lineup. While great for detail shots and capturing a wide frame, its focal length falls between other lenses I prefer for specific purposes like portraits or expansive landscapes. As a result, it often gets overshadowed by more specialized options in my kit.

Lastly, the 12-24mm f/4 lens, a niche addition primarily used for unique scenarios like helicopter rides or real estate photography. While it serves its purpose in tight spaces or wide-angle shots, its limited use cases compared to other lenses make it a less frequently reached for option in my collection.

Related Questions

1. **What factors influence your choice of favorite lenses for different photography scenarios?**
– I consider factors like focal length, aperture, versatility, and image quality when selecting lenses for specific photography needs. Each lens serves a unique purpose in capturing different subjects and scenes effectively.

2. **How do your favorite lenses enhance your creative vision and storytelling in photography?**
– Favorite lenses like the 35mm and 85mm G Master lenses offer me the creative freedom to craft visually compelling narratives through portraits, details, and landscapes. Their optical characteristics elevate the storytelling aspect of my photography by adding depth, bokeh, and sharpness to the images.

3. **In what ways do your least favorite lenses fall short in meeting your photography requirements?**
– The least favorite lenses like the 70-200mm and 50mm f/1.4 may lack the reach or specific characteristics I seek for certain photography genres. Whether it’s the inability to capture distant details or the focal length not aligning with my preferred styles, these lenses don’t always fulfill my creative vision.

4. **How do you adapt to using less preferred lenses in specific shooting scenarios where they may be the most suitable option available?**
– While my least favorite lenses may not see frequent use, I do find occasions where their unique strengths are beneficial. In scenarios like confined spaces or specialized photography needs, I make the most of these lenses to achieve the desired results, even if they aren’t my top choices overall.

5. **What advice would you give to photographers exploring new lenses to find their ideal lineup for diverse photography projects?**
– I recommend experimenting with different lenses to understand their capabilities and how they align with your creative vision. Consider renting or borrowing lenses to test them in various shooting situations before making a purchase. Building a versatile lens collection tailored to your unique style and preferences can greatly enhance your photography journey.

By Hilbert