
Hey there, lovely readers! Today, I want to share with you some insights into how I, as a travel photographer, make money while doing what I love. I’ll walk you through the various income streams I have tapped into to sustain my passion for photography and travel. So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back, and let’s dive into the world of making a living as a photographer on the go.


One of the primary ways I generate income is through sponsorships. Brands like Intel pay me to showcase their products in my photos or videos across different platforms like YouTube and TikTok. These collaborations are carefully curated to ensure authenticity and alignment with my personal brand. Managing sponsorships involves a lot of planning, coordination, and communication to deliver quality content that resonates with my audience.

Digital Products

Operating an online store where I sell digital products such as Lightroom presets, budget templates, and digital prints is another significant source of income for me. The beauty of digital products lies in their scalability and hands-off nature once set up. From customer service to marketing, I ensure that my digital products continue to generate revenue even when I’m away, like during a vacation in Tulum while strategizing for Black Friday sales.

Physical Products

While I focus on creating digital products, I also ventured into selling physical merchandise through a partnership for design, manufacturing, and fulfillment. Managing sales, marketing strategies, and product selection for merch require attention despite outsourcing most of the operational tasks. It’s a balancing act to ensure the success of both digital and physical product lines.


Earning from AdSense, the revenue generated from displaying ads on my YouTube content, provides a steady stream of income. Managing AdSense involves overseeing ad placements, ensuring accurate tax information, and monitoring revenue growth over time. While not my primary income source, AdSense contributes to the overall revenue, especially with a growing library of videos.


Licensing my photography to brands like Intel for specific usage rights is another income avenue I explore. This involves selling the rights to use my images on various platforms for a defined period. Handling licensing agreements and contracts on the go adds a layer of complexity to my revenue streams but offers a rewarding opportunity to monetize my creative work.

Affiliate Marketing

Engaging in affiliate marketing programs allows me to earn commissions from sales generated through referral links on platforms like Amazon and Moment. While affiliate marketing may not be a primary income source in my niche, it offers passive income potential by leveraging product recommendations tailored to my audience’s interests.

Commercial Work

Operating a production company with my husband opens doors to commercial projects, particularly in the tourism industry. Creating high-quality photo and video content for tourism boards combines artistic expression with business acumen to reach a broader audience. Commercial work remains a significant income stream that requires efficient project management and timely delivery.


Developing online courses, like the filmmaking basics course in partnership with Moment, presents an opportunity for passive income generation. Marketing and promoting these courses require ongoing effort to reach a wider audience and drive enrollments. Diversifying income through educational offerings adds value to my brand while sharing knowledge with aspiring photographers and content creators.

Subscription-Based Content

Exploring subscription-based models, such as Patreon for exclusive podcast content, offers a more personalized and intimate connection with dedicated followers. While not currently active, subscription-based content remains a potential income stream for future endeavors. Understanding audience preferences and content demand guides decisions on expanding subscription-based offerings.

In a nutshell, juggling multiple income streams as a photographer, content creator, and influencer demands a reliable and high-performance tool like the Intel Evo laptop to support my business operations seamlessly. With the right balance of creativity, strategy, and technology, I continue to pursue my passion for photography while building a sustainable career in the digital landscape.

Now, let’s delve into some related questions that may spark further curiosity about my journey as a traveling photographer:

**1. How do you manage collaborations with brands while staying authentic to your personal brand?**

I ensure that every sponsorship or collaboration aligns with my values and interests. By selecting brands and products that I genuinely like and recommend, I maintain authenticity in my content while meeting the requirements of the partnership.

**2. What strategies do you employ to promote your digital products and maximize sales, especially during events like Black Friday?**

I utilize social media marketing, email campaigns, and collaborations with influencers to promote my digital products. During peak shopping seasons like Black Friday, I plan ahead with discounts, exclusive offers, and engaging content to attract customers and drive sales.

**3. How do you stay organized while managing multiple income streams and projects simultaneously?**

I rely on digital tools like project management software, calendar apps, and cloud storage to stay organized. Setting priorities, delegating tasks when needed, and maintaining clear communication with my team help me juggle various projects effectively.

**4. What inspired you to venture into creating online courses, and how do you ensure the quality and relevance of your educational content?**

The desire to share knowledge and empower aspiring photographers motivated me to create online courses. I collaborate with industry experts, conduct thorough research, and seek feedback from students to ensure that my courses meet educational standards and provide value to learners.

**5. As a travel photographer, how do you adapt to different environments and work on the go, especially when creating commercial content for clients?**

Adapting to diverse environments while creating commercial content involves thorough planning, scouting locations, and utilizing portable equipment. Flexibility, creativity, and effective communication with clients enable me to deliver high-quality work while on the move.

By Hilbert